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Geisinger Medical Center GMC is more than a hospital. Designated as a Comprehensive Stroke Center Geisinger Medical Center is able to provide the highest level of care for patients suffering a stroke.
With many nationally recognized award-winning specialty areas and modern facilities it offers virtually every type of care you and your family will ever need.
. It is central Pennsylvanias most complete healthcare system offering many services that are not available anywhere else locally. As the only Comprehensive Stroke Center in the region we are able to treat the most severe and.
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Geisinger Community Medical Center In Scranton Adding Maternity Care Wnep Com
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About Geisinger Community Medical Center
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Geisinger Community Medical Center To Host Annual Golf Tournament
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Geisinger Health System Picks Cerner For Population Health Analytics Platform Healthcare Finance News
Geisinger Opens New Childbirth Center In Scranton
Geisinger Medical Center Opens Hospital For Advanced Medicine